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What's So Funny?

Nov 28, 2014

Darren Frost returns. Could this be the last time the Toronto comic is in Vancouver? Would he dare retire from comedy? These are questions we can't know the answer to. But he can ponder them, as he does in this episode, his fifth appearance on the show. Lotsa good stuff here in this one.

Nov 19, 2014

Mike MacDonald has been through a lot in the past two-and-a-half years. But as you can hear in this episode, he's back, baby. As sarcastic as ever! We talk about his bout with hepatitis C and subsequent liver transplant, mental illness, and heroin addiction. But there's even more talk about other things: young...

Nov 12, 2014

Orny Adams and I finally have our in-person tete-a-tete. After a story I wrote on him last year, Adams had some things he wanted cleared up and addressed. But it was all good and we had a very amiable conversation about all things comedy. We also learn about Orny's off-stage interests, his self-conscious Jewishness,...

Nov 11, 2014

Art Factora is not hella Pinoy. He's just a regular, hard-working Filipino-Canadian standup comic with a day job as a producer in morning radio. But he stayed up late for us and told us about working joe jobs in between radio gigs. And he talked about his recent visit to the Philippines. Yet he had no idea where it...

Nov 3, 2014

Peter Greyy may be the big boss man of the Seattle and San Francisco International Comedy Competitions, but when he's not doing that, he's also a performer himself. We talk about his early days deejaying, how a sudden break-up led to standup, his theory of "Canadian competency" in comedy, and of course the...